
Showing posts from April, 2015

Sweet Hawaiian Buns

Makes 12 - 16 rolls from  g Baker’s % AP Flour 354 100% Water 40 10% Pineapple juice 135 33.8% Egg: 2 large eggs plus 1 egg yolk, white reserved 120 30% Unsalted butter 56 14% Salt 13 3.3% Yeast 8 2$ Brown sugar 72 18% Total 844 211% vanilla extract - 1 tbsp mixing Sponge: mix yeast with 40 g of water and 30 g of flour, set aside until start bubbling, ~30min Mix all liquids with salt and sugar first then add flour, knead for 6-8 min on 2-nd speed. fermentation 1.5 - 2 hrs. shaping Divide, shape round rolls and place on a pan proofing 50-60 minutes. brush with egg wash(egg white with tbsp of cold water). baking Bake at 180°C for 20-25 minutes

Vermont Sourdough (mod)

Makes 2 loaves 2 loaves, g Baker’s % Flour: wheat 485g + rye 75g 560 100% Water 330 58.8% Salt 13 2.2% Malt 11 2% Total 913 163% Starter wheat flour - 170g water - 170g sourdough - 20g Mix and ferment 8-12 hrs mixing Mix all ingredients with the starter, autolyse 30 min, knead 5-6 min fermentation 2.5 hrs with 2 stretch & folds. shaping Divide and shape round or oval loaves proofing 2.5 hours at room temp or 1.5 hours, then retard for 2 – 16 hours in a cool place baking Bake in a steamed oven at 250°C for 10 minute, lower the temperature to 220°C and bake for 15-20 min.

Country Bread - Pain de Campagne

Authentic Country Bread (Pain de Campagne) with addition of Prefermented Dough (pate fermentee) From The Taste of Bread by R. Calvel. Makes 2 loaves 2 loaves, g Baker’s % Flour(Wheat - 530g, Rye - 30g) 560 100% Water 386 69% Active Dry Yeast 11 2% Salt 6 1% Malt 11 2% Total 974 174% preferment (pate fermentee) Wheat flour - 250g Water - 190g Yeast - 4g Salt - 3g. Mix, knead briefly and ferment for 1 hr, refrigerate for 12-16 hrs. Alternatively use "old dough" from previous batch(1-2 days old). mixing Remove pate fermentee from refrigerator 2 hrs before mixing. Mix pate fermentee with the rest of ingredients, knead for 8 min on second speed fermentation 1.5 hrs with one stretch & fold. shaping Divide and shape oval loaves proofing 50-60 minutes @ 24°C baking Score and bake in a steamed oven at 240°C for 10 minutes Release the steam, lower the temp to 110°C and bake for 20 min.

Basic French Bread

From The Taste of Bread by R. Calvel. Makes 3 small or 2 medium size baguettes Straight Dough 3 loaves, g Baker’s % Bread Flour 500 100% Water 335 67% Active Dry Yeast 4 .8% Salt (add after autolysis) 10 2% Malt 1 .2% Total 850 170% Straight Dough Process with Traditional Mixing Method (lst speed for all mixing) Mixing 1 st speed:             3min Autolysis:                          15min Mixing 1 st speed:             12 min Dough temperature:           24°C 1st Fermentation:               150 min Punch down after:              80min Dividing, rounding & rest: 35min Molding:                             as needed Proofing:                             75min Baking 240° C / 464° F :    30min TOTAL TIME:                  6 h 40 min Straight Dough Method with Improved Mixing Mixing 1 st speed:     less than 5 min Autolysis:                  15 min Mixing 2nd speed:    10 min Dough temperature:  24 0 C 1 st fermentation:      60min Punch down after: