
Showing posts from March, 2015

Potato bread - Kartoffelbrot

Makes 1 loaf 1 loaves, g Baker’s % Flour (rye -90g, AP wheat - 360g) 450 100% Potato Water 260 57.8% Mashed potato 114 25.3% Active Dry Yeast 4 .9% Salt 9 2% Total 837 186% Ground Black(or white) pepper - pinch Grated Nutmeg - 1/2 tea spoon preferment Rye sourdough starter (100% hydration) - 12g Rye flour - 45g Water - 45g Mix and ferment at 25°C for ~3 hrs, must rise 100% (double) mixing Mix all ingredients, knead 5-6 min. fermentation 1.5 hrs with one stretch & fold. shaping Divide and shape round or oval loaf. proofing 50-60 minutes baking Score: three, four or five cuts from center to edge(star). Bake in a steamed oven 5 min in at 240°C 15 min at 220°C 15 min at  200°C

Russian filled pie - пироги, кулебяка

Makes 10 small pies , g Baker’s % AP Flour 370 100% Water 163 44% Egg 100 (2) 27% Active Dry Yeast 6 1.6% Oil or margarine 45 12.2% Sugar 10 2.7% Salt 6 1.6% Total 700 189.2% preferment Flour - 150g Water - 75g Yeast - 6g Mix and ferment for 2-3 hours mixing Mix all ingredients with preferment, knead 4 min. Add fat 1 min before the end. fermentation 40 min @30°C . shaping Divide and shape balls 70g each, rest 10 min, flatten and fill with filling proofing 50-60 minutes baking Bake  at 210°C for 30 minutes Fillings Hard boiled egg, green onion, dill stewed cabbage, hard boiled egg potato, sauteed onion sauteed mushrooms, onions feta, spinach(kale or chard), tarragon sauteed liver , buckwheat pumpkin, dry prunes

Turkish Sesame Bread Rings - Simit

Makes 3 rings source: 3 loaves, g Baker’s % Flour 500 100% Water 300 60% Active dry yeast 4 .8% Salt 7 1.4% Total 811 162.2% Reduced grape juice a.k.a. grape molasses (pekmez) Toasted sesame seeds. mixing Mix all ingredients, knead fermentation 1.5 hrs with one stretch & fold.Place the fermented dough in refrigerator for 12 hrs shaping Remove the dough from refregirator and let warm up for 2 hrs. Divide and shape long logs as for baguettes, but twice as long(60-80 cm long) , fold in half and twist to make a braided shape, connect ends, form a ring. Dip in grape molasses and then in toasted seeds. proofing 30 minutes baking Bake in a steamed oven at 230°C for 30 minutes

Italian mother sourdough - Lievito madre

Bread flour - 150g Low fat yogurt -  200g 1-9. Mix well and knead briefly. Form a ball and place into a bowl, make two cross cuts and cover with plastic wrap. Poke some holes in the wrap. Leave at room temp(26 C) for 48 hrs. 10-18. Divide and through out one half , preferably keep the inner part and through out the outer dry layer. Add 100g flour and 50g water, mix and knead. Place in a jar for 24 hrs Repeat step 10-18 for 14 days 22-30. The mother starter is ready to be used. Feed 3 times 2:2:1 (starter:flour:water) before each use. Feed mother starter once a week 2:2:1(starter:flour:water) Source:

Pane Cafone Napolitano

Makes 2 loaves 2 loaves, g Baker’s % Bread Flour 700 100% Water 490 70% Malt 10 1.4% Active dry yeast 7 1% Salt 13 1.9% Total 1220 174.3% old dough (Pasta di riporto) Flour - 100g Water - 70g Yeast - 2 g Salt - 2g Mix and ferment for 2 hrs. Degas and refrigerate for 12 hrs , up to 3 days. Alternatively can use left over dough from previous batch mixing Mix all ingredients, let stand for 20 min, knead and add chopped old dough. Knead 6-8 min. fermentation 1.5 hrs with 3 stretch & folds. Save170g of fermented dough for next batch, refrigerate it for up to 3 days. shaping Divide and shape round loaf or make thick long log and twist it in circular motion to form a round loaf. proofing 40 minutes. baking Bake in a steamed oven at 250°C for 10 minutes Release steam and lower the temp to 220°C and bake another 20 min.

Belarusian Challah

Makes 2 loaves From A Blessing of Bread by Maggie Glezer 2 loaves, g Baker’s % AP Flour 1000 100% Potato Water 340 34% 4 Large eggs 200 20% Vegetable oil 110 11% Active Dry Yeast 8 .8% Salt 16 1.6% Sugar 50 5% Total 1724 172.4% mixing Mix all ingredients, knead for 8-10 min  fermentation 3 hrs. shaping Divide and shape desired number of strands, make the braid proofing 1.5 hrs baking Before bake, brysh with egg wash and sprinkle with caraway seeds. Bake at 220°C for 36-40 minute. May need to cover with tin foil if too brown too soon.

Narachanski - Нарочанский

Arguably the most famous Belorussian bread. Makes 1 loaf 1 loaf, g Baker’s % Flour (Rye - 300g, whole wheat - 120g) 420 100% Water 310 77.8% Potato mash 50 12.4% Malt (preferably rye white) 30 7.2% Molasses 13 3.3% Salt 9 2.2% Total 812 203% preferment Sourdough rye starter - 40g (100% hydration) Rye flour - 100g Water - 80g Mix and let ferment for 3-4 hrs. Scalding Rye flour - 100g Malt 30g Mashed potatoes - 50g Caraway seeds - 1 tsp. Boiling water(best from boiled potato) - 230g Pour 1/2 of water into the flour, mix well; add the remaining water and warm the mix to 65deg. cover and let cool down. Mix with preferment Let ferment for 3 hrs. mixing Mix all remaining ingredients with fermented scalding, kneed several minutes. May have to adjust water/flour. fermentation 3-4 hrs or until double in size. shaping With wet hands shape round or oval loaf. proofing 4 hours at 30°C or 2 hours at 24°C and retard 12 hrs in refrigerator baking Bake i

Latvian cheese roll

Makes 6-8 rolls 6-8 rolls, g Baker’s % AP Flour 500 100% Water 150 30% Milk 125 25% Egg (1) 50 10% Margarine 10 2% Active Dry Yeast 7 1.4% Salt 7 1.4% Shredded hard cheese (Old Cheddar, Asiago) 60 12% Total 909 181.8% preferment Flour - 250g Water - 150g Yeast - 7g Mix and ferment for 2.5 hrs. mixing Mix all ingredients with preferment, knead for 5-6 min on second speed. fermentation 1.5 hrs with one stretch & fold. shaping Divide and shape 6-8 small battard like buns with pointy ends. proofing 30 minutes baking Score 3 diagonal cuts. Bake in a steamed oven at 230°C for 30 minutes

Russian Easter cake - Пасхальный кулич

Makes 2 small loaves 2 loaves, g Baker’s % AP Flour 450 100% Milk 130 29% 3 Eggs 150 33.3% Sugar 150 33.3% Yeast 12 2.7% Salt 8 1.8% Butter 70 15.6% Total 970 215.6% Vanilla extract - 1 teasp. Dry fruits (raisins, apricots, cherry, cranberries)  preferment Flour - 150g Milk - 130g Yeast - 4g Mix and ferment for 3-4 hrs or until bubbly. mixing Separate egg yolks from whites. Mix yolks with sugar and vanilla, add remaining yeast . Beat whites until foamy. Combine preferment with yolk mixture and the rest of flour, mix in egg whites and salt. Knead on second speed adding soft butter. Continue kneading 10-15 min, add dry fruits. fermentation 1 hour, punch down and let rise one more time(1hr). shaping Divide and shape round balls. Place in a form, usually cylindrical shape (old coffee tin ) proofing 50-60 minutes at 30 deg. baking Bake in a steamed oven at 200°C for 40 minutes Decorating Allow the cake to cool. Glaze: 1 egg white beat with 100g

Easter Dove Bread - Colomba Pasquale

Makes 1 loaf 1 loaf, g Baker’s % Flour 390 100% Water 120 30.8% 2 large eggs 100 25.6% Sugar 67 17.2% Active Dry Yeast 12 3% Butter 57 14.6% Salt 8 2% Total 754 193% 1/8 teaspoon Fiori di Sicilia or 2 teaspoons vanilla extract +1/8 teaspoon orange oil grated peel of 1 large orange 170g candied orange peel or dried fruit of your choice  Topping     1 large egg white, reserved from dough     3 tablespoons almond flour or 3 tablespoons blanched almonds, finely ground     25g granulated sugar     14g sliced almonds     28g coarse white sugar or pearl sugar preferment(biga) Flour - 120g Water - 120g Yeast - 2g Mix and ferment overnight(~15hrs) mixing Mix biga with all ingredients except dry fruits and grated orange rind. Knead on 2-nd speed for 12 min. Add dry fruits and  grated orange rind. fermentation 2-2.5 hrs hrs. shaping Divide the dough in two pieces, with o

Wheat bread with raisins

Makes 1 big loaf 1loaf , g Baker’s % AP Flour 600 100% Water 360 60% Yeast 6 1% Salt 8 1.3% Sugar 24 4% Molasses 12 2% Margarine 12 2% Total 1022 170.3% Raisins - 60g preferment Flour - 400g Water - 360g Yeast - 4g Mix all ingredients and ferment for 4 hrs mixing 30 min before making dough mix warm water with molasses, sugar and yeast, let sit until bubbly(~30 min) Mix all ingredients with the preferment , knead on 2-nd speed for 5-6 min fermentation 1.5 hrs with one stretch & fold. shaping Shape round loaf. proofing 30-40 minutes baking Bake in a steamed oven at 240°C for 10 minutes, release steam and lower the temp to 210°C ; bake another 25 min.

Sourdough sandwich bread

from The Village Baker by Joe Ortiz. 1loaf, g Baker’s % Flour (includes starter) 435 100% Water (includes starter) 325 74.7% Dry milk 8 1.8% Salt 7 1.6% Vegetable oil 22 5% Total 797 183% Sourdough starter 250g,  100% hudration mixing Mix all ingredients but salt, knead on 2-nd speed for 8-10 min, add salt five minutes before end fermentation 45 min. shaping Shape, place in oiled tin seem-side down. proofing/final rise 6-9 hrs in moist proof box or covered to avoid crusting. Score along just before baking. baking Bake in a steamed oven at 200°C for 36-40 minutes

Whole wheat ciabatta

Makes 3 small or 2 medium size loaves 2 loaves, g Baker’s % Whole wheat flour 550 100% Water 400 72.7% Active Dry Yeast 8 1.5% Salt 10 1.8% Malt 6 1% Total 974 177% preferment Flour - 150 g Water - 150 g Pinch of yeast Mix and ferment 12 hrs. mixing Mix preferment with remaining ingredients, knead fermentation 1.5 hrs with 3 stretch & folds. shaping Divide and shape. proofing 35-40 minutes baking Bake in a steamed oven at 240°C for 30 minutes

Asiago Ciabatta

Makes 2 loaves 2 loaves, g Baker’s % Flour (AP wheat - 480g.; Rye or Whole wheat - 30 g) 510 100% Water 380 74.5% Active Dry Yeast 6 1.2% Salt 8 10.6% Total 904 177.3% 140g of Asiago or Parmesan cheese, cut into 1/4-inch dice (about 1 cup), plus extra for grating over the top of the bread preferment AP Wheat flour - 180g. Rye or Whole wheat flour - 30g. Water - 230g. Pinch of yeast Mix and ferment for 12-18 hrs at room temp. mixing Mix the preferment with the rest of ingredients, except the cheese, knead for 6-8 min, add cheese and knead some more until incorporated. fermentation 1.5 hrs with 3 stretch & folds. shaping Divide and shape proofing 30-40 minutes. baking Sprinkle with grated cheese just before baking. Bake in a steamed oven at 235°C for 30 minutes


Makes 3 loaves 3 loaves, g Baker’s % AP Wheat Flour 500 100% Water 375 75% Active Dry Yeast 4 .8% Salt 11 2.3% Total 890 178% preferment (poolish) Flour - 150 g Water - 160 g Yeast - pinch Mix and ferment for 12 hrs. at room temp. mixing Mix poolish with the rest of ingredients, knead 7-10 min @speed 2 fermentation 1.5 hrs with 3 stretch & fold. shaping Divide and shape. proofing 40 min baking Bake in a steamed oven at 240°C for 30-40 minutes

Mustard bread

Makes 2 loafs 2 loafs, g Baker’s % Flour 1000 100% Water 540 54% Yeast 10 1% Sugar 60 6% Mustard oil 60 6% Salt 15 1.5% Total 1685 168.5 preferment Wheat flour 450g Water 250g Yeast 10g Mix and ferment for 3.5 - 4 hrs. Final dough Mix preferment with the rest of components except the oil. Start kneading on s.2, after 5 min add oil, continue kneading 5 more min. fermentation 1.5 hrs with one stretch & fold. shaping Divide and shape oval loaves proofing 40 min. baking Bake in a steamed oven at 230°C for 30 minutes