
Showing posts from June, 2015

Ukrainian bread - Украинский Столичный

Makes 1 loaf Ingredients(includes starter) 2 loaf, g Baker’s % Flour (420g whole wheat, 120g rye)  540 100% Water 355 65.7% Salt 9 1.7% Total 904 167.4% preferment Mix - 120 g of rye sourdough starter(100% hydration) - 60 g rye flour - 100 g water Fermentation 3hrs mixing Mix - 480 g wheat flour - 190 g water - preferment Autolyse 20 min, add salt, knead 6 min. fermentation 1.5 hrs with one stretch & fold. shaping Shape round loaf and place it in round basket. proofing 60 minutes Optional retard overnight in refrigerator. baking Bake at 240°C with steam for 10 min, 220°C for 30 min. May need to cover with tin foil for last 10-15 min.

Buns with figs - Panini con i fichi

Makes 10-12 buns g Baker’s % AP Flour 400 100% Water 200 50% Malt syrup or honey 20 5% Salt 8 2% Butter 20 10% Yeast 10 2.5% Dry figs finely chopped 260 65% Old dough (asta di riporto)  100 25% Total 1018 254.5% mixing Mix flour, water, yeast and malt, knead 2 min, add butter, salt and figs. fermentation 1.5 hrs or until doubled shaping Divide and shape oval buns proofing 50-60 minutes, brush with egg wash, make 4-5 not deep scores lengthwise baking Bake in a steamed oven at 220°C for 30 minutes

Sweet Potato Rolls

Makes 10 rolls 10 rolls, g Baker’s % AP Flour 400 100% Mashed sweet potato 80 20% Milk 170 42.5% Egg 50(1) 12.5% Sugar 10 2.5% Salt 6 1.5% Yeast 8 2% Butter 20 5% Total 744 186% mixing Scald the milk, let cool. Mix all ingredients, knead 4-5 min. fermentation 1.5 hrs shaping Divide and shape round rolls; make 1 ft. long ropes and shape rope into a knot; tuck top end of knot under roll. proofing 60 minutes baking Bake at 200°C for 25-30 minutes. Once baked remove rolls from pans; place on wire racks. Brush rolls with 2 tablespoons butter.

Sourdough country bread with olives

Makes 2 loaves 2 loaves, g Baker’s % Flour(AP-720g; rye - 100g) 820 100% *Sourdough starter (100% hydration) 120 Water 470 60% Salt 13 1.5% Malt 26 3% Olives(Kalamata) 200 22.7% Total 1649 187% *Starter weight included in flour/water: 50/50 mixing Mix all water with starter, add flour and malt. Let rest (autolyse) 30 min. Mix in salt and olives, knead 3-4 min. fermentation 2.5 hrs with 3 stretch & folds. shaping Divide and shape round or oval loaves proofing 50-60 minutes at room temp. retard overnight(10-12 hrs) in refrigerator. baking Bake in a steamed oven at 230°C for 10 minutes, 200°C for 20 min.

Cheese and rosemary sourdough

Makes 2 loaves 2 loaves, g Baker’s % Flour (480g AP, 80g Whole Wheat; 50g in starter) 610 100% Water (50g in starter) 460 75.4% Malt 10 1.6% Salt 12 2% Cheese(Asiago, Cheddar, Gruyère) finely shredded 40 6.6% Total 1132 185.6 Fresh rosemary finely chopped - 1-2 tbsp Ground black pepper - 1/4 tsp mixing Mix water, flour, malt and 100g of mature sourdough starter. Autolyse 20 min. Add salt, pepper, rosemary and cheese, kneed 2-3 min. fermentation 3 hrs with three stretch & folds. shaping Divide and shape round or oval loaves of desired weight proofing 1 hr at room temp, 8-12 hours in cold baking Bake in a steamed oven at 240°C for 15 minutes, 20 min at 200°C

Obwarzanek Krakowski

Makes 6. g Baker’s % AP Flour 762 100% Water(or milk) 366 48% Sugar 30 4% Salt 11 1.4% Butter 19 2.5 Yeast 11 1.4% Total 1200 157.4% Mix all ingredients, knead for 3-5 min. Fermentation: 1- 1.5 hrs. shaping Divide in 12 pieces 100g each, rest 10 min and shape 30cm long ropes. Twist two ropes together, wet end and connect to form a circle proofing 30 minutes baking Boil in lightly sweetened water for 30 sec, then dip in seeds, salt, cheese, etc .  Bake in a steamed oven at 220°C for 15-20 minutes