
Showing posts from July, 2015

Kibinai - Кибинай

For qty 10. Dough AP flour - 500g. Margarine - 250g. Eggs - 3 Sour cream - 100g. Salt - 1/2tsp Sugar - 1tsp Filling Lamb - 400g (or pork rib) Lamb (pork) fat - 50g Onion - 1 big. Cut margarine pea sized pieces. mix with flour, add 2 eggs, salt, sugar and sour cream, knead briefly and form a ball, refrigerate for 2-3 hrs. Make feeling: cut meat, fat and onion into small cubes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Remove the dough from cold, divide, roll each piece and make pies. Brush with egg wash. Bake 20-25 min at 180 C

Belgian waffle 2 large eggs, separated 1 1/2 cups buttermilk* 2 tablespoons butter, melted, or oil 1 cup Unbleached All-Purpose Flour 1 tablespoon yellow cornmeal 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon sugar n a large bowl, beat together the egg yolks, buttermilk and butter or oil till well combined. In a separate bowl, sift together dry ingredients. Gently stir dry ingredients into wet ingredients.  Beat egg whites till stiff. Gently fold them into batter.  Bake waffles in a preheated, oiled waffle iron till done.  Yield: twelve 4 x 4-inch waffles. *  Note:   adding an additional tablespoon of buttermilk to the batter will make extra-crisp waffles.

Ukrainian Paljanica - Паляница Украинская

Makes 1 loaf 1 loaf, g Baker’s % AP Flour (preferment - 206g. ; dough - 274g.) 480g 100% Water 312g 65% Yeast 10 2.1% Salt 10 2.1% Total 812 169% preferment flour - 206g. water - 154g yeast - 10g, Mix and ferment for 3-4 hrs, mixing Mix the preferment with the rest of components, knead 8-10 min. fermentation 1.5 hrs. shaping Degas and shape round boule. proofing 40 min. baking Scoring: one deep horintal side cut ~ 2 cm deep Bake in a steamed oven at 200°C for 40-45 minutes

Wroclaw Trencher Bread

From Makes 2 loaves. 2 loaves, g Baker’s % Flour Rye - 187g (47%) Whole wheat - 213g (53%) Starter 25g 425 100% Water 225 56.3% Dark beer / ale 100 25% Salt 7 1.7% Total 782 183% preferment Mix all flour and divide in half. Reserve one half. Mix 50g of sourdough mother starter(100% hydration) with water and beer, add one half of flour mix. Let ferment for 12 hrs. mixing Mix the preferment with the second part or the flour, kneed some, let rest 20 min, add salt and knead some more. fermentation 1.5 hrs or until double in size. shaping Divide and shape round or oval loaves, . proofing 50-60 minutes baking Scoring: cross. Bake in a steamed oven at 240°C for 15 minutes, then 190°C for 15-20 min