Kibinai - Кибинай

For qty 10.

AP flour - 500g.
Margarine - 250g.
Eggs - 3
Sour cream - 100g.
Salt - 1/2tsp
Sugar - 1tsp

Lamb - 400g (or pork rib)
Lamb (pork) fat - 50g
Onion - 1 big.

Cut margarine pea sized pieces. mix with flour, add 2 eggs, salt, sugar and sour cream, knead briefly and form a ball, refrigerate for 2-3 hrs.

Make feeling: cut meat, fat and onion into small cubes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Remove the dough from cold, divide, roll each piece and make pies. Brush with egg wash.
Bake 20-25 min at 180 C


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